Saturday, December 30, 2023

Some uniquely Aussie faces


Little Raven at Belair NP

Little Wattlebird at Nangawooka

Superb Fairywren at Mt Loft Botanic Garden

New Holland Honeyeater at Port Elliot

Pelican at Clayton Bay

Sunday, December 17, 2023

There Be Dragons!

Bearded Dragon at Port Augusta
Yes, Bearded Dragons climb trees! They also grow very large...

A young, and still quite small "Beardie"

...and the baby Bearded Dragon, not much more than a hatchling -- 
Eyre Peninsula, near The Blowholes

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Spirit of Winter in our local hills


The old road bridge at Sturt Gorge

Fly Agaric at Kuitpo

Koala at dawn, at Onkaparinga Gorge

Winter berries at Belair NP

fungus at Mount Lofty Botanic Garrens

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Time and Tide on the Fleurieu


Dawn at Milang...

Grapes ready to harvest at Aldinga...

Full moon through the mist, outside the Pier Hotel...

Ponies at Silver Sands...

A mollusc enjoys the rain, Lake Alexandrina

Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Colours of Winter


Maple leaves in the rain, Mt Lofty Botanic Garden

A winter's dawn at Milang

Petrel Cove on a sunny day in July

A tiny waterfall, Mt Lofty Gardens

Wild Orchids - the 2023 Orchid Hunt!


Rabbit Ears Sun Orchid at Manning Floral Reserve

Scented Sun Orchid at Spring Gully CP

Spider Orchid, Upper Waterfall, Belair NP

Eastern Donkey Orchid, Nixon Skinner Reserve

The 2023 Orchid Hunt took us to many places and turned up around 20 different species. Here are some of the prettiest and most perfect. South Australia's wild orchids bloom between late August and late October -- after the worst of winter and before the summer heat arrives. Not all orchids are beautiful ... some look distinctly odd, and many are so rare, we've yet to find them. 

Saturday, December 2, 2023